CS3216 Preparations

Created on June 20, 2021.

Oh boy am I excited to be accepted into CS3216.

Even though I was already doing UROP, I always knew there was a part of me that loves building new products from my past experiences in hackathons. I wasn't very sure that I would be accepted, because while I have some experience in research, ML, backend and iOS development, I have never touched frontend web development before and was completely foreign to frontend frameworks like React. Nevertheless, after weighing the pros (self-development) against the cons (>30 hour workload, potential impact on grades and internship search), I decided to take it.

To prepare for this demanding module, I figured I best brush up on my design and web development skills up a notch. I have a few design books in my kindle that I have yet to complete: Designing Interfaces: Patterns for Effective Interaction and Design for How People Think: Using Brain Science to Build Better Products. While I am already familiar with Golang and Gin for backend, I figured not everyone may be, so it is best to look up other backend frameworks like Django and express. I would also need to learn some React basics in case the frontend becomes a blocker too.

The semester ahead is going to be tough, but I am looking forward to building something impactful.


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